Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ratings System

Holy Immortal Fuck
This is truly incredible. This will probably melt your fucking face off. It might actually hurt a bit -- but you'll be happy about it. Something like "kick-ass" may be the phrase. Either way, you need to check this out.

Mortal, But With Lofty Aspirations
This is damn good. It has moments of obscenely awesometastic splendor, and probably a few moments of inexplicable and disappointing poop, but maybe you should take the high's and try to live with the lows.

Only If It's Your Thing
On the whole, this has its moments. If the general style is something you consider interesting, then give this an extra star.

Only If You Have Nothing Better To Do
Honestly, this may have a few redeeming moments, but on the whole it's uninspired or, worse, downright spectacular in its crimes against non-fucking-horrendous shit. If you're bored, maybe it'd be fun to find the good in it. It may be in here, but...your efforts in finding them are probably best spent elsewhere.

You Have Something Better To Do
Seriously. If you have overdosed on Percocet, you at least still retain sufficient motor function to do something else. Anything but this, please. I can't even guarantee so-bad-it's-good comedy here. I don't give 1 star to all but the worst of the worst.

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