Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quantum of Solace: A Word About Pretention

Quantum of Solace is the title of an indie rock band's second album, not a James Bond film. Yes, I know what you think it means, but you don't get brownie points for replacing what might have made a perfectly good sentiment regarding the new direction of the Bond films with big fancy words like quantum. Look it up. It's a physics term that has only tangential relation to its intended meaning here. What makes Bond's melodrama too cool for words like "measure" or "comfort"? And if you have to resort to manly words that don't actually mean what you mean them to mean in order to avoid the inevitable sticky sentimentality, maybe your damn Bond should man up and stop being so broody.


Ginseng said...

The title is taken from an Ian Fleming short story.


Ginseng said...

Furthermore, the word "quantum" is not a physics term. It is used in physics, but it is not a physics term. It means "amount."

Additionally, I dispute that the word doesn't mean what Ian Fleming thinks it means. An "amount" of solace, a "quantity" of solace. I don't know where you're getting "comfort" from, but I do know that has more to do with -your- intended meaning of the title than the actual intended meaning of the title.

I also dispute that the word "quantum" is "manly."

Finally, it should be mentioned that I completely hate the title of this fucking film and that I totally agree with you.